firebase_functions.core module

Public code that is shared across modules.



class firebase_functions.core.Change(before: T, after: T)

Bases: Generic[T]

The Cloud Functions interface for events that change state, such as Realtime Database on_value_written.

after: T

The state of data after the change.

before: T

The state of data before the change.


class firebase_functions.core.CloudEvent(specversion: str, id: str, source: str, type: str, time: datetime, data: T, subject: str | None)

Bases: Generic[T]

A CloudEvent is the base of a cross-platform format for encoding a serverless event. More information can be found at

data: T

Information about this specific event.

id: str

A globally unique ID for this event.

source: str

The resource which published this event.

specversion: str

Version of the CloudEvents spec for this event.

subject: str | None

The resource, provided by source, that this event relates to.

time: datetime

When this event occurred.

type: str

The type of event that this represents.



firebase_functions.core.init(callback: Callable[[], Any]) None

Registers a function that should be run when in a production environment before executing any functions code. Calling this decorator more than once leads to undefined behavior.