firebase-admin.messaging package

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).


Function Description
getMessaging(app) Gets the Messaging service for the default app or a given app.admin.messaging() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's Messaging service or as admin.messaging(app) to access the Messaging service associated with aspecific app.


Class Description
FirebaseMessagingError Firebase Messaging error code structure. This extends PrefixedFirebaseError.
Messaging Messaging service bound to the provided app.
MessagingClientErrorCode Messaging client error codes and their default messages.


Interface Description
AndroidConfig Represents the Android-specific options that can be included in an Message.
AndroidFcmOptions Represents options for features provided by the FCM SDK for Android.
AndroidNotification Represents the Android-specific notification options that can be included in AndroidConfig.
ApnsConfig Represents the APNs-specific options that can be included in an Message. Refer to Apple documentation for various headers and payload fields supported by APNs.
ApnsFcmOptions Represents options for features provided by the FCM SDK for iOS.
ApnsPayload Represents the payload of an APNs message. Mainly consists of the aps dictionary. But may also contain other arbitrary custom keys.
Aps Represents the aps dictionary that is part of APNs messages.
BatchResponse Interface representing the server response from the Messaging.sendEach() and Messaging.sendEachForMulticast() methods.
CriticalSound Represents a critical sound configuration that can be included in the aps dictionary of an APNs payload.
DataMessagePayload Interface representing an FCM legacy API data message payload. Data messages let developers send up to 4KB of custom key-value pairs. The keys and values must both be strings. Keys can be any custom string, except for the following reserved strings:
  • from
  • Anything starting with google.
See Build send requests for code samples and detailed documentation.
FcmOptions Represents platform-independent options for features provided by the FCM SDKs.
LightSettings Represents settings to control notification LED that can be included in AndroidNotification.
MessagingOptions Interface representing the options that can be provided when sending a message via the FCM legacy APIs.See Build send requests for code samples and detailed documentation.
MessagingPayload Interface representing a Firebase Cloud Messaging message payload. One or both of the data and notification keys are required.See Build send requests for code samples and detailed documentation.
MessagingTopicManagementResponse Interface representing the server response from the Messaging.subscribeToTopic() and Messaging.unsubscribeFromTopic() methods.See Manage topics from the server for code samples and detailed documentation.
MulticastMessage Payload for the Messaging.sendEachForMulticast() method. The payload contains all the fields in the BaseMessage type, and a list of tokens.
Notification A notification that can be included in Message.
NotificationMessagePayload Interface representing an FCM legacy API notification message payload. Notification messages let developers send up to 4KB of predefined key-value pairs. Accepted keys are outlined below.See Build send requests for code samples and detailed documentation.
SendResponse Interface representing the status of an individual message that was sent as part of a batch request.
WebpushConfig Represents the WebPush protocol options that can be included in an Message.
WebpushFcmOptions Represents options for features provided by the FCM SDK for Web (which are not part of the Webpush standard).
WebpushNotification Represents the WebPush-specific notification options that can be included in WebpushConfig. This supports most of the standard options as defined in the Web Notification specification.

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
Message Payload for the Messaging.send() operation. The payload contains all the fields in the BaseMessage type, and exactly one of token, topic or condition.


Gets the Messaging service for the default app or a given app.

admin.messaging() can be called with no arguments to access the default app's Messaging service or as admin.messaging(app) to access the Messaging service associated with aspecific app.


export declare function getMessaging(app?: App): Messaging;


Parameter Type Description
app App Optional app whose Messaging service to return. If not provided, the default Messaging service will be returned.



The default Messaging service if no app is provided or the Messaging service associated with the provided app.

Example 1

// Get the Messaging service for the default app
const defaultMessaging = getMessaging();

Example 2

// Get the Messaging service for a given app
const otherMessaging = getMessaging(otherApp);


Payload for the Messaging.send() operation. The payload contains all the fields in the BaseMessage type, and exactly one of token, topic or condition.


export type Message = TokenMessage | TopicMessage | ConditionMessage;