
public class ImageOnlyMessage extends InAppMessage

Encapsulates a Firebase In App ImageOnly Message.


Public fields

@Nullable Action
@NonNull ImageData

!!!!!WARNING!!!!! We are overriding equality in this class.

Public methods

@Nullable Action

Gets the Action associated with this message

@NonNull ImageData

Gets the ImageData associated with this message

Inherited methods

@Nullable Button

This method is deprecated.

Use the message specific methods (see CardMessage, ModalMessage, BannerMessage, ImageOnlyMessage) instead.

@Nullable String

This method is deprecated.

Use the message specific methods (see CardMessage, ModalMessage, BannerMessage, ImageOnlyMessage) instead.

@Nullable Text

This method is deprecated.

Use the message specific methods (see CardMessage, ModalMessage, BannerMessage, ImageOnlyMessage) instead.

@Nullable String

This method is deprecated.

Use getCampaignMetadata instead.

@Nullable CampaignMetadata

Gets the CampaignMetadata of the message

@Nullable String

This method is deprecated.

Use getCampaignMetadata instead.

@Nullable Map<StringString>

Gets the extra data map of the message.

@Nullable String

This method is deprecated.

Use the message specific methods (see CardMessage, ModalMessage, BannerMessage, ImageOnlyMessage) instead.

@Nullable Boolean

This method is deprecated.

Use getCampaignMetadata instead.

@Nullable MessageType

Gets the MessageType of the message

@Nullable Text

This method is deprecated.

Use the message specific methods (see CardMessage, ModalMessage, BannerMessage, ImageOnlyMessage) instead.

Public fields


public @Nullable Action action


public @NonNull ImageData imageData

!!!!!WARNING!!!!! We are overriding equality in this class. Please add equality checks for all new private class members.

Public methods


public @Nullable Action getAction()

Gets the Action associated with this message


public @NonNull ImageData getImageData()

Gets the ImageData associated with this message