Firebase Admin .NET SDK

Firebase Admin .NET SDK.



AppOptions Configurable options that can be specified when creating a FirebaseApp.
FirebaseApp This is the entry point to the Firebase Admin SDK.
FirebaseException Common error type for all exceptions raised by Firebase APIs.



AbstractFirebaseAuth Exposes Firebase Auth operations that are available in both tenant-aware and tenant-unaware contexts.
ActionCodeSettings Defines the required continue/state URL with optional Android and iOS settings.
DeleteUsersResult Represents the result of the AbstractFirebaseAuth.DeleteUsersAsync(IReadOnlyList{string}) API.
EmailIdentifier Used for looking up an account by email.
ErrorInfo Represents an error encountered while performing a batch operation such as AbstractFirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync(IEnumerable{ImportUserRecordArgs}) or AbstractFirebaseAuth.DeleteUsersAsync(IReadOnlyList{string}).
ExportedUserRecord Contains metadata associated with a Firebase user account, along with password hash and salt.
ExportedUserRecords Contains a collection of Firebase user accounts.
FirebaseAuth This is the entry point to all server-side Firebase Authentication operations.
FirebaseAuthException Exception type raised by Firebase Auth APIs.
FirebaseToken Represents a valid, decoded Firebase ID token.
GetUsersResult Represents the result of the AbstractFirebaseAuth.GetUsersAsync(IReadOnlyCollection{UserIdentifier}) API.
ImportUserRecordArgs Represents a user account to be imported to Firebase Auth via the AbstractFirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync(IEnumerable{ImportUserRecordArgs}) API.
ListUsersOptions Options for the AbstractFirebaseAuth.ListUsersAsync(ListUsersOptions) API.
PhoneIdentifier Used for looking up an account by phone number.
ProviderIdentifier Used for looking up an account by provider.
SessionCookieOptions Options for the FirebaseAuth.CreateSessionCookieAsync(string, SessionCookieOptions) API.
UidIdentifier Used for looking up an account by uid.
UserIdentifier Identifies a user to be looked up.
UserImportHash Represents a hash algorithm and the related configuration parameters used to hash user passwords.
UserImportOptions A collection of options that can be passed to the FirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync API.
UserImportResult Represents the result of the AbstractFirebaseAuth.ImportUsersAsync(IEnumerable{ImportUserRecordArgs}) API.
UserMetadata Contains additional metadata associated with a user account.
UserProvider Represents a user identity provider that can be associated with a Firebase user.
UserRecord Contains metadata associated with a Firebase user account.
UserRecordArgs A specification for creating or updating user accounts.


IUserInfo A collection of standard profile information for a user.



Bcrypt Represents the Bcrypt password hashing algorithm.
Hmac Base class for Hmac type hashes.
HmacMd5 Represents the HMAC MD5 password hashing algorithm.
HmacSha1 Represents the HMAC SHA1 password hashing algorithm.
HmacSha256 Represents the HMAC SHA256 password hashing algorithm.
HmacSha512 Represents the HMAC SHA512 password hashing algorithm.
Md5 Represents the MD5 password hashing algorithm.
Pbkdf2Sha256 Represents the PBKDF2 SHA256 password hashing algorithm.
PbkdfSha1 Represents the PBKDF SHA1 password hashing algorithm.
RepeatableHash An abstract UserImportHash implementation for specifying a Rounds count in a given range.
Scrypt Represents the Scrypt password hashing algorithm.
Sha1 Represents the SHA1 password hashing algorithm.
Sha256 Represents the SHA256 password hashing algorithm.
Sha512 Represents the SHA512 password hashing algorithm.
StandardScrypt Represents the Standard Scrypt password hashing algorithm.



ListTenantsOptions Options for listing tenants.
Tenant Represents a tenant in a multi-tenant application.
TenantArgs Arguments for creating and updating tenants.
TenantAwareFirebaseAuth The tenant-aware Firebase client.
TenantManager The tenant manager facilitates GCIP multitenancy related operations.
TenantsPage Contains a collection of tenants.



AuthProviderConfig The base Auth provider configuration interface.
AuthProviderConfigArgs< T > The base auth provider configuration interface.
AuthProviderConfigs< T > A page of auth provider configurations.
ListProviderConfigsOptions Options for listing auth provider configurations.
OidcProviderConfig Represents an OIDC auth provider configuration.
OidcProviderConfigArgs Represents an OIDC auth provider configuration.
SamlProviderConfig Represents a SAML auth provider configuration.
SamlProviderConfigArgs Represents a SAML auth provider configuration.



Action Represents an action available to users when the notification is presented.
AndroidConfig Represents the Android-specific options that can be included in a Message.
AndroidFcmOptions Represents Android FCM options.
AndroidNotification Represents the Android-specific notification options that can be included in a Message.
ApnsConfig Represents the APNS-specific options that can be included in a Message.
ApnsFcmOptions Represents Apple Push Notification Service FCM options.
Aps Represents the aps dictionary that is part of every APNs message.
ApsAlert Represents the alert property that can be included in the aps dictionary of an APNs payload.
BatchResponse Response from an operation that sends FCM messages to multiple recipients.
CriticalSound The sound configuration for APNs critical alerts.
ErrorInfo A topic management error.
FcmOptions Represents FCM options.
FirebaseMessaging This is the entry point to all server-side Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) operations.
FirebaseMessagingException Exception type raised by Firebase Cloud Messaging APIs.
LightSettings Represents light settings in an Android Notification.
Message Represents a message that can be sent via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
MulticastMessage Represents a message that can be sent to multiple devices via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
Notification Represents the notification parameters that can be included in a Message.
SendResponse The result of an individual send operation that was executed as part of a batch.
TopicManagementResponse The response produced by FCM topic management operations.
WebpushConfig Represents the Webpush protocol options that can be included in a Message.
WebpushFcmOptions Represents the Webpush-specific notification options that can be included in a Message.
WebpushNotification Represents the Webpush-specific notification options that can be included in a Message.