
public final class KeyValueBuilder

Helper class to enable convenient syntax in setCustomKeys and recordException


Public constructors

This method is deprecated. Do not construct this directly.

Public methods

final void
key(@NonNull String key, boolean value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.

final void
key(@NonNull String key, double value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.

final void
key(@NonNull String key, float value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.

final void
key(@NonNull String key, int value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.

final void
key(@NonNull String key, long value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.

final void
key(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.

Public constructors


public KeyValueBuilder(@NonNull FirebaseCrashlytics crashlytics)

Public methods


public final void key(@NonNull String key, boolean value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.


public final void key(@NonNull String key, double value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.


public final void key(@NonNull String key, float value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.


public final void key(@NonNull String key, int value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.


public final void key(@NonNull String key, long value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.


public final void key(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String value)

Sets a custom key and value that are associated with reports.