Integrate Angular Universal

With the Firebase framework-aware CLI, you can deploy your Angular application to Firebase and serve dynamic content to your users.

Before you begin

Before you get started deploying your app to Firebase, review the following requirements and options:

  • Firebase CLI version 12.1.0 or later. Make sure to install the CLI using your preferred method.
  • Optional: Billing enabled on your Firebase project (required if you plan to use SSR)

  • Optional: AngularFire

Initialize Firebase

To get started, initialize Firebase for your framework project. Use the Firebase CLI for a new project, or modify firebase.json for an existing project.

Initialize a new project

  1. In the Firebase CLI, enable the web frameworks preview:
    firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
  2. Run the initialization command from the CLI and then follow the prompts:

    firebase init hosting

  3. Answer yes to "Do you want to use a web framework? (experimental)"

  4. Choose your hosting source directory; this could be an existing Angular app.

  5. If prompted, choose Angular.

Initialize an existing project

Change your hosting config in firebase.json to have a source option, rather than a public option. For example:

  "hosting": {
    "source": "./path-to-your-angular-workspace"

Serve static content

After initializing Firebase, you can serve static content with the standard deployment command:

firebase deploy

Pre-render dynamic content

To prerender dynamic content in Angular, you need to set up Angular Universal. The Firebase CLI expects Express Engine:

ng add @nguniversal/express-engine

See the Angular Universal guide for more information.

Add prerender URLs

By default, only the root directory will be prerendered. You can add additional routes by locating the prerender step in angular.json and adding more routes:

  "prerender": {
    "builder": "@nguniversal/builders:prerender",
    "options": {
      "routes": ["/", "ANOTHER_ROUTE", "AND_ANOTHER"]
    "configurations": {
      /* ... */
    "defaultConfiguration": "production"

Firebase also respects guessRoutes or a routes.txt file in the hosting root, if you need to customize further. See Angular’s prerendering guide for more information on those options.

Optional: add a server module


When you deploy with firebase deploy, Firebase builds your browser bundle, your server bundle, and prerenders the application. These elements are deployed to Hosting and Cloud Functions for Firebase.

Custom deploy

The Firebase CLI assumes that you have server, build, and prerender steps in your schematics with a production configuration.

If you want to tailor the CLI's assumptions, configure ng deploy and edit the configuration in angular.json. For example, you could disable SSR and serve pre-rendered content exclusively by removing serverTarget:

  "deploy": {
    "builder": "@angular/fire:deploy",
    "options": {
      "browserTarget": "app:build:production",
      "serverTarget": "app:server:production",
      "prerenderTarget": "app:prerender:production"

Optional: integrate with the Firebase JS SDK

When including Firebase JS SDK methods in both server and client bundles, guard against runtime errors by checking isSupported() before using the product. Not all products are supported in all environments.

Optional: integrate with the Firebase Admin SDK

Admin bundles will fail if they are included in your browser build, so consider providing them in your server module and injecting as an optional dependency:

// your-component.ts
import type { app } from 'firebase-admin';
import { FIREBASE_ADMIN } from '../app.module';

export class YourComponent {

  constructor(@Optional() @Inject(FIREBASE_ADMIN) admin: app.App) {

// app.server.module.ts
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { FIREBASE_ADMIN } from './app.module';

  providers: [
    { provide: FIREBASE_ADMIN, useFactory: () => admin.apps[0] || admin.initializeApp() }
export class AppServerModule {}

// app.module.ts
import type { app } from 'firebase-admin';

export const FIREBASE_ADMIN = new InjectionToken<app.App>('firebase-admin');

Serve fully dynamic content with SSR

Optional: integrate with Firebase Authentication

The web framework-aware Firebase deployment tooling automatically keeps client and server state in sync using cookies. The Express res.locals object will optionally contain an authenticated Firebase App instance (firebaseApp) and the currently signed in user (currentUser). This can be injected into your module via the REQUEST token (exported from @nguniversal/express-engine/tokens).