Managing prompts with Dotprompt

Firebase Genkit provides the Dotprompt plugin and text format to help you write and organize your generative AI prompts.

Dotprompt is designed around the premise that prompts are code. You write and maintain your prompts in specially-formatted files called dotprompt files, track changes to them using the same version control system that you use for your code, and you deploy them along with the code that calls your generative AI models.

To use Dotprompt, first create a prompts directory in your project root and then create a .prompt file in that directory. Here's a simple example you might call greeting.prompt:

model: vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro
  temperature: 0.9
    location: string
    style?: string
    name?: string
    location: a restaurant

You are the world's most welcoming AI assistant and are currently working at {{location}}.

Greet a guest{{#if name}} named {{name}}{{/if}}{{#if style}} in the style of {{style}}{{/if}}.

To use this prompt, install the dotprompt plugin, and import the prompt function from the @genkit-ai/dotprompt library:

import { dotprompt, prompt } from '@genkit-ai/dotprompt';

configureGenkit({ plugins: [dotprompt()] });

Then, load the prompt using prompt('file_name'):

const greetingPrompt = await prompt('greeting');

const result = await greetingPrompt.generate({
  input: {
    location: 'the beach',
    style: 'a fancy pirate',


Dotprompt's syntax is based on the Handlebars templating language. You can use the if, unless, and each helpers to add conditional portions to your prompt or iterate through structured content. The file format utilizes YAML frontmatter to provide metadata for a prompt inline with the template.

Defining Input/Output Schemas with Picoschema

Dotprompt includes a compact, YAML-optimized schema definition format called Picoschema to make it easy to define the most important attributs of a schema for LLM usage. Here's an example of a schema for an article:

  title: string # string, number, and boolean types are defined like this
  subtitle?: string # optional fields are marked with a `?`
  draft?: boolean, true when in draft state
  status?(enum, approval status): [PENDING, APPROVED]
  date: string, the date of publication e.g. '2024-04-09' # descriptions follow a comma
  tags(array, relevant tags for article): string # arrays are denoted via parentheses
    name: string
    email?: string
  metadata?(object): # objects are also denoted via parentheses
    updatedAt?: string, ISO timestamp of last update
    approvedBy?: integer, id of approver

The above schema is equivalent to the following TypeScript interface:

interface Article {
  title: string;
  subtitle?: string;
  /** true when in draft state */
  draft?: boolean;
  /** approval status */
  status?: 'PENDING' | 'APPROVED';
  /** the date of publication e.g. '2024-04-09' */
  date: string;
  /** relevant tags for article */
  tags: string[];
  authors: {
    name: string;
    email?: string;
  metadata?: {
    /** ISO timestamp of last update */
    updatedAt?: string;
    /** id of approver */
    approvedBy?: number;

Picoschema supports scalar types string, integer, number, and boolean. For objects, arrays, and enums they are denoted by a parenthetical after the field name.

Objects defined by Picoschema have all properties as required unless denoted optional by ?, and do not allow additional properties.

Picoschema does not support many of the capabilities of full JSON schema. If you require more robust schemas, you may supply a JSON Schema instead:

    type: object
        type: number
        minimum: 20

Overriding Prompt Metadata

While .prompt files allow you to embed metadata such as model configuration in the file itself, you can also override these values on a per-call basis:

const result = await greetingPrompt.generate({
  model: 'google-genai/gemini-pro',
  config: {
    temperature: 1.0,
  input: {
    location: 'the beach',
    style: 'a fancy pirate',

Structured output

You can set the format and output schema of a prompt to coerce into JSON:

model: vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro
    theme: string
  format: json
    name: string
    price: integer
    ingredients(array): string

Generate a menu item that could be found at a {{theme}} themed restaurant.

When generating a prompt with structured output, use the output() helper to retrieve and validate it:

const createMenuPrompt = await prompt('create_menu');

const menu = await createMenuPrompt.generate({
  input: {
    theme: 'banana',


Multi-message prompts

By default, Dotprompt constructs a single message with a "user" role. Some prompts are best expressed as a combination of multiple messages, such as a system prompt.

The {{role}} helper provides a simple way to construct multi-message prompts:

model: vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro
    userQuestion: string

{{role "system"}}
You are a helpful AI assistant that really loves to talk about food. Try to work
food items into all of your conversations.
{{role "user"}}

Multi-modal prompts

For models that support multimodal input such as images alongside text, you can use the {{media}} helper:

model: vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro-vision
    photoUrl: string

Describe this image in a detailed paragraph:

{{media url=photoUrl}}

The URL can be https:// or base64-encoded data: URIs for "inline" image usage. In code, this would be:

const describeImagePrompt = await prompt('describe_image');

const result = await describeImagePrompt.generate({
  input: {
    photoUrl: '',


Prompt Variants

Because prompt files are just text, you can (and should!) commit them to your version control system, allowing you to compare changes over time easily. Often times, tweaked versions of prompts can only be fully tested in a production environment side-by-side with existing versions. Dotprompt supports this through its variants feature.

To create a variant, create a [name].[variant].prompt file. For instance, if you were using Gemini 1.0 Pro in your prompt but wanted to see if Gemini 1.5 Pro would perform better, you might create two files:

  • my_prompt.prompt: the "baseline" prompt
  • my_prompt.gemini15.prompt: a variant named "gemini"

To use a prompt variant, specify the variant option when loading:

const myPrompt = await prompt('my_prompt', { variant: 'gemini15' });

The prompt loader will attempt to load the variant of that name, and fall back to the baseline if none exists. This means you can use conditional loading based on whatever criteria makes sense for your application:

const myPrompt = await prompt('my_prompt', {
  variant: isBetaTester(user) ? 'gemini15' : null,

The name of the variant is included in the metadata of generation traces, so you can compare and contrast actual performance between variants in the Genkit trace inspector.

Alternate ways to load and define prompts

Dotprompt is optimized for organization in the prompt directory. However, there are a few other ways to load and define prompts:

  • loadPromptFile: Load a prompt from a file in the prompt directory.
  • loadPromptUrl: Load a prompt from a URL.
  • defineDotprompt: Define a prompt in code.


import {
} from '@genkit-ai/dotprompt';
import path from 'path';
import { z } from 'zod';

// Load a prompt from a file
const myPrompt = await loadPromptFile(
  path.resolve(__dirname, './path/to/my_prompt.prompt')

// Load a prompt from a URL
const myPrompt = await loadPromptUrl('');

// Define a prompt in code
const myPrompt = defineDotprompt(
    model: 'vertexai/gemini-1.0-pro',
    input: {
      schema: z.object({
        name: z.string(),
  `Hello {{name}}, how are you today?`